A. Background of The Study
We live in a world of language. We talk to others with language. Languages are important in globalization era. That demands the people to have competence on it. This a part of society and culture, also part of social system and communication (Suwito, 1985:2). The people viewed as social phenomenon because they apply language in society.
Languages are used as a mean of communication. We need language to communicate with others. People have to master English to communicate with foreigner because it is used as international language. There are four language skills in English. One of them is speaking. Speaking happened when all students and teacher make a discussion in the class.
Many people said that speaking is one of the difficult subjects. In the speaking subject, students have to use English. But, sometimes students do not understand about what their teacher is talking at using English. Therefore, teachers have to make some variation of ways to solve this problem. There are many factors to help the student’s ability to speak. One of them is using mother tongue before we start to speak English. What is mother tongue?
Mother tongue is an amazing process. Consider a child’s as founding progress from crying, gurgling, cooing, babbling, uttering single word and two words utterances to speaking complete and well-formed sentences in a matter of three to four years (Goh, 2004:13).
People learned their mother tongue as a young child at home who may have lost, in part or in totality, the language they first acquired.
Most English teachers get their students to speak using English in their conversation, but many teachers do not understand with their student’s ability. Because the process of learning of a native or second language is difficult, native language is studied by developing our mother tongue.
Learning second language or speaking both students and teachers to cooperate efficiently. By referring to the current theories of second language acquisition and reviewing that recent literature, it can be seen that the mother tongue of the learners has a necessary and facilitating role in all aspects of language instruction. These indicated that the bilingual approach is gaining more support by incorporating the student.
However, some students are disabling to acquire native language without learning about mother tongue. Now days it is for English teacher to use the students mother tongue as a tool to conveying meaning as a means of interaction both in English language in speaking.
Realizing the importance of mother tongue to speaking ability, the writer would like to identify how far “THE INFLUENCE OF MOTHER TONGUE TOWARD STUDENTS ABILITY IN SPEAKING (A Correlation Study of The First Year Students of MAN Blora in The Academic Year 2010/ 2011)”.
B. Limitation of The Problem
The writer would like to limit the scope of the study to the following problems in order to avoid misinterpretation of the problem the scope is presented in the following:
- This research especially focused on how far is the influence of mother tongue toward students speaking ability in teaching and learning process of English.
- This research is conducted to the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011.
C. Statements of The Problem
To clarify the problem that is going to be analyzed, the statements of the problems are formulated as follow:
- How far is the mother tongue used in the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011?
- How far is the speaking ability of the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011?
- Is there any significant correlation between the students’ mother tongue toward their speaking ability of the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011?
D. The Objectives of The Study
The objectives of the study are stated as follows:
- To find out the use of mother tongue of the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011.
- To find out the students’ ability in speaking of the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011.
- To find out whether there is significant correlation between the use of mother tongue and the student’s ability in speaking class of the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011.
E. The Benefits of The Study
In writing this research, the writer has some objectives
- Practically: this research is hoped in order to give contribution on the students so that they can be easier in following teaching and learning process especially on speaking.
- Theoretically: the result of the study can be used to reference work for study of the other subject.
F. Definition of Key Terms
1. Influence
Influence is power to affect somebody’s character, briefs or action trough, person, fact etc. That exercise such power, action of natural forces, power due to wealth position (Hornby, 1974:437).
2. Student
Student is a person who studies at college, polytechnic or university: boy or girl attending school, any one who studies or who devote the acquisition of knowledge (Hornby, 1974:437).
3. Mother tongue
Mother tongue is an amazing process. Consider a child’s as founding progress from crying, gurgling, cooing, babbling, uttering single word and two words utterances to speaking complete and well-formed sentences in a matter of three to four years (Goh, 2004:13).
4. Speaking
Speak is communicate with each other. Speaking is make use of language in ordinary, not singing, voice (Hornby, 1974:774).
5. Students’ Speaking Ability
Ability is something done successfully with effort and skill. Generally, ability is a personal accomplishment, an attainment of goals set the individual or society in educational psychology (Watzon, 1987:8).
The writer uses the report score of speaking in the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011).
G. Literature Review
The writer takes review of related literature from other thesis as principle or comparative in this research. The first review related to this research entitled “The Influence of Pronunciation toward Listening Ability (A case study of the six Class of Sumowono 02 Elementary School Kec. Pabelan Kab. Semarang in the Academic Year 2008-2009. Which Alfiqhoendaruati the student of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga has researched in this thesis, she concluded that ‘there is a significant influence of students listening toward pronunciation mastery (Alfiqhoendaruati, 2009).
The second is done by Lestari Handayani entitled “The influence of Student’s Self Confidence toward Their Achievement in Speaking (A case study of fifth semester students of English educational Faculty of STAIN Salatiga in the academic Year of 2005/2006”. She has analyzed that there is a positive correlation between the students’ self-confidence and their achievement in speaking class (Handayani, 2006).
The third is done by Anik Isnaini entitle “The Influence of Extroversion Toward Students’ Speaking Achievement of The Fifth Semester of English Department of State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga Year of 2009/2010”. She analyzed extroversion influence to students’ speaking achievement (Isnaini, 2010).
From three above related research, the writer interested to carry out a research dealing with the mastery of English especially in speaking. To make different research with other researcher, the writer has a bravely to do the research about mother tongue with title “The influence of Mother Tongue toward Students Ability in Speaking (A Correlation Study of the in the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011).
On this research, the writer describes definition of mother tongue, students’ speaking ability, and the role of mother tongue to speaking ability.
H. Hypothesis
Suryabrata (1995:69) said in his book “Metodologi Penelitian” that hypothesis is answers for the problem of research and must be tested again empirically. So, the hypothesis in this research is there is an influence of mother tongue toward students ability in speaking of the first year students of MAN Blora in the Academic Year 2010/2011.
I. Methodology of Research
1. Type of Research
The type of research is correlative quantitative. A correlative quantitative is a method of research in which the writer has two or more quantitative variables form the same groups of subject, and writer tries to determine if there is a relationship between the two variables.
2. The Subject of The Study
Population is all members of the research subject (Arikunto, 1993:102). The population of this research is the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011. The total numbers of the population are 200 Students. They divide into five classes. Those are A, B, C, D, and E.
Sample is the part of the representative of population who are observed (Arikunto, 1993:104). In this research, the writer takes all of students of the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011). According to Arikunto (1993: 104) if the number of subject is less than 100 subjects, the research can take entire subject. However, if the number of subject in the research more than 100 person, we can take 10%-15% or 20-25% of the population. The sample of the study is the first year students of MAN BLORA in the Academic Year 2010/2011. The writer takes the sample 20% from the total of population. Therefore, she takes 37 students as the subject in this research.
3. Method of Data Collection
To obtain the data, the writer uses the questionnaire method. Questionnaire instrument, play an important role to collect data. Students are asked to answer the questions. This is used to find the mother tongue and speaking skill.
It is finding data about variables in notes, book transcript, paper, meeting note, agenda, and soon. This method is used to get the data about the condition of teachers, officer and students.
Observation method is the monitoring and registration using the systematic phenomenon, which is observed.
4. Data Analysis
In order to conduct a good arrangement, the writer uses a statistic formula. This formula is used to find the influence of students’ mother tongue toward their achievement in speaking subject. The formula is :
r x y = Correlative Coefficient of Variable x and y.
x = The Sum of the Students Mother tongue.
y = The Sum of the Speaking Skill.
N = The Total Number of Respondent.
Alfiqhoendaruati. 2009. The Influence of Pronunciation toward Listening Ability. Salatiga: STAIN Salatiga.
Goh, C. M, Cristine & Rita Elaine Silver. 2004. Language Acquisition and Development. Singapore: Nangyang University Press.
Handayani, Lestari. . 2010. The Influence of Students Self Confidence toward their Achievement in Speaking. Salatiga: STAIN Salatiga.
Hazel, Watson & Viney Limited Alylesbury. 1987. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English. Britain: Oxford University Press.
Hornby. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary of Current English. London: Oxford University Press.
Isnaini Anik. 2010. The Influence of Extroversion toward Student Speaking Achievement. Salatiga: STAIN Salatiga.
Suharrsimi Arikunto. 1998. Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
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Copyright © 2010 - Ainur Rahmawati : "The Influence of Mother Tongue Toward Students Ability in Speaking (A Correlational Study of The First Year Students of MAN Blora in The Academic Year 2010/2011)".
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